Sphe­re En­er­gy


Logo von Sphere Energy

Sphe­re En­er­gy (sphe­re-en­er­gy.eu) is a fast-gro­wing, high­ly in­no­va­ti­ve bat­te­ry star­t­up – with the mis­si­on to ac­ce­le­ra­te and sim­pli­fy the com­mer­cia­liza­t­i­on and va­li­da­ti­on of new en­er­gy sto­r­a­ge tech­no­lo­gies. In the last ye­ars, we ha­ve won se­veral star­t­up awards and lea­ding re­se­arch in­sti­tu­ti­ons and glo­bal in­dus­tri­al play­ers as our cli­ents. We are now sca­ling our busi­ness (re­aching from test equip­ment to bat­te­ry tes­ting & stra­te­gy con­sul­ting ser­vices) glo­bal­ly.